This year we decided to return to Bayfield WI and explore more of this beautiful area and the Apostle Islands.
The first thing we saw that we thought would make a great picture is this truck that looks like it is coming straight toward us.
It was actually a truck cab being pulled by another truck. But, it does look a little threatening.
Another strange sight is the "Free Wine and Beer" signs that pepper the road for a few miles.
From what we could tell, the name of the store was "Free."
The challenge with planning a vacation early in the year is never knowing what type of weather you will encounter. The ride was dotted with showers, as was much of the 5 days we spent.
When we got to our Inn, the skies cleared and we enjoyed a beautiful night.
Beautiful Rainbow on Lake Superior |
We ate at Greunke's our first night. It was a cute place with a 50's/60's theme. Lou really enjoyed the huge pulled pork sandwich and chili.
Lots of 50's stuff |
I love to eat |
60's posters |
Our first full day in Bayfield was predicted to be the best weather of the week, so we decided to take the car ferry to Madeline Island and do some hiking and exploring. We found some beautiful wild flowers as well as a small beach where we sat and watched the waves.
Beauty Everywhere on Madeline Island |
Joni's Beach |
Just walking the town |
View from the Island |
Wave Watching
Back on the Dock
Gulls lining up every day at lunch time
We had booked a "Shipwreck, Lighthouses and Sea Caves" tour in early January and decided to take the cruise, even though our captain told us that the weather would make the ride choppy and that we might not see any of the shipwrecks that one could see on a sunny day.
Lighthouse on Sand Island |
Sea Caves |
Sea Caves
Well, the captain was right. We didn't see any shipwrecks, but did see the lighthouses and sea caves. What we learned is that "choppy" means different things to different people! Choppy to the Captain Dan was "roller coaster, big-wave, scary" to us.
View from Back of Boat |
Captain Lou |
The weather was rainy and cold, so you will notice the gloves on me. I had to sit close to Lou to keep from freezing. But, it was an adventure, so at least we have something exciting to talk about.
So cold, but kind of fun (and scary)
We love the Bayfield Museum and always get a great education. Below are some of the displays that are very interesting.
Frequently, you will see men from the town actually building a boat using tools and procedures that would have been common to earlier times. A few of the townsmen spoke to us about their latest creation. They certainly have a lot of passion and work great as a team.
Of course, one of reasons Lou wanted to visit Bayfield again is the Pork Nachos at Maggie's.
Pork Nachos |
So much cheese |
Maggie is an older lady who started the business years ago and has a love for flamingoes. The restaurant is covered with them and they make for great conversation.
On our last day, we explored some of the orchards that this area is famous for. We came across a beautiful orchard and gift shop at Sunset Valley Orchard. The owner was telling us about the frequent bear visits near her shop. We did not encounter any-although we did hope to see one from the safety of our car!
Sunset Valley Orchard |
Gift Shop at Sunset Valley Orchard.
We did daily walks through the town, visited the candy and ice cream shops, and tried our luck at the Legendary Waters casino in the evenings. It made for a fun and relaxing trip.
Exploring the town |
Dusk at the Bayfield Inn |
Room 103-so nice
Great View of Lake Superior
We always like to stop and visit Jim and Jackie on our way home. We enjoy seeing the kids and how they have grown.
Roman made sure to tell us about his new orange glasses. They are just as cute as he is. A few of the boys were at summer camp in the UP, so we got to visit with 5 instead of 9!!
Victor, Roman, and Nick were adorable together, and Vince is always so good to his little sister.
The twins are getting so big and really developing their own personalities.
Jackie and Jim are always busy with the kids as well as new projects. This year, Jim's greenhouses are really paying off, as his tomatoes and other crops are lush and healthy.
The greenhouses were fogging up my camera lens, but were really hot! With the growing season so short in northern WI, Jim and Jackie will have crops well into winter.
It was a great vacation, but the weather could have been a bit better. Next year, perhaps Thunder Bay in Canada.